Monthly Archives: May 2014

Heidi and Alex

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What a wedding this was!! So wonderfully put together with a LOT of hard work from Heidi and Alex.

I first met Heidi and Alex in November. I was recommended by their friends, another couple that are getting married later this year. They are all in the same friends circle and it has been a real pleasure getting to know all of them.

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Their wedding day marked 2 years since Heidi and Alex went on their first date. After that first date, the second, third and fourth followed on consecutive evenings. They then started spending more evenings a week together than they spent apart, and after 4 months moved in together. They have been inseparable ever since.  If anyone spends time with Alex and Heidi they will clearly see just how in love they are.  When you walk into their home, you see the beautiful painting that Alex created to propose to Heidi with. I instantly wanted to know the story behind the proposal. When I asked them questions about what they love about the other, I received some truly lovely responses.

What Heidi loves about Alex is his kindness, his honesty, the way he understands her and takes care of her, the way he loves her and makes her smile. Most of all It is the way that Alex protects her and makes me feel safe no matter what. She loves his smile, every different one. Heidi loves that he loves his family more than anything and always wants to help them out in every way.

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Alex mentioned that he loves most about Heidi is how she makes him feel about himself, even though he feels that may be selfish! When he is with her, he feels more ‘himself’ that he ever had before he met her – she brings out more and more of what he likes in himself and almost makes him feel more ‘pure’ than he had been. She brings out his creative side and his desire to create, draw, paint, read and write. He is not sure how she manages to do it, or whether it is intentional, but it is something Alex is forever thankful for.

Their wedding was out on a property belonging to one of their friends in Gladysdale, and the only thing that was in the area was a lovely big tree. Everything else had to be taken there on the day. It was a beautiful day for it, not too hot, but a lovely sunny March afternoon.  They had a marquee and chairs set up under the big beautiful tree. They had lots of drinks, food and lots of iced tea. No details were forgotten, all of the rows of chairs had handmade flowers in a vintage mug tied to the sides of them. They had a lovely chalk board telling their guests to pick a seat, not a side. There was plenty of water for guests to keep hydrated, the cutest little packets of tic tacs I’ve ever seen, and some of the best order of service booklets I have seen in a long time. (see the blog about them here) Everything was themed in white and purple, Heidi’s favourite colour. Everyone thought that Heidi was going to be wearing a purple dress and all of her attendants were wearing white, (with awesome jelly sandals mind you!) but on the day everyone was surprised when Heidi arrived in a beautiful white dress.

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Emotions ran high when Heidi walked down the aisle, there were lots of tears. It was beautiful. In a ceremony filled with references to various children’s books, one of Heidi’s bridesmaids read Dr Seuss’ Oh the places you will go. She did a wonderful job of reading such a long and tongue twisting reading! And just when people thought that it couldn’t get any better, they read from their Mr. Men order of service booklets that Mr Burger was arriving to feed everyone their main meal.

It was a magnificent day, that I was privileged to be a part of. Heidi said to me on the day that she was sad that we wouldn’t be needing to keep in touch any more. I’m so glad that we will be seeing each other in a few months time for the wedding of Wayne and Sarah.

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Thank- you to Sarah Godenzi for the use of the photos from Heidi and Alex’s beautiful day. You can check out her website, blog and facebook page for more of her work.



Filed under Recent Weddings

10 new takes on traditional guest books

One thing that I wish that I had thought more about at my own wedding, or thought about at all really, was a guest book. At the time, maybe I thought that because we were having a small wedding,we knew who was there. I realise now that guest books are more for the future, rather than the time of the wedding. 
There are a number of people that were at our wedding that are no longer with us. My husband and I recently celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary and something that I would have loved to have done was to read back on things that these people may have written for us. I would like to have a book with words of advice and warm wishes from people that are dearly missed in our lives now. It’s nice now to stumble over things that are written in their handwriting, so loving words of advice from our special day would have been really special.
Guests books now are not all just a bound book. There are so many awesome ideas out there that you can use that can be themed in with your wedding, or give your wedding day a special touch.  Just another way to let your personality shine through and show your guests something else about you as a couple. When I started looking at these things I was blown away by some of the great ideas out there. It has really sparked my imagination. I hope this helps spark yours!


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1. Finger Print Tree
I have previously written a blog especially about fingerprint trees, you can read it here. I was so impressed by the one that Holly and Simon had on their wedding day. These can be created by you or you can buy them, but they are a great way to remember who was there. There isn’t much room  for adding a message so you could do other things if you wished to have people write you advice or a warm wish, but it is something that you can keep forever and it looks lovely hanging up in your home. You can go with a colour scheme that matches your house or your wedding day.

2. Letters from me to you
You can get your guests to write you a letter and put in in an envelope, then you can do lots of things with it. You could seal it into a time capsule that you decide to open later or you could stick all the envelopes into beautiful book or album to read over at any time you like. Another way to do this is a photo book with photos from your engagement shoot. If it’s something you think you might do speak to your photographer and make sure they take some shots with space for people to write in.

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3. Message in a bottle 
This could be fun style if guest book that offers advice that you can read later. You could have a questionnaire for your guests to fill in about what they think might happen to you between your wedding day and when you decide to open your messages in a bottle. This could be fun with all sorts of questions. You could decide on when you will open it before hand, for example on your 10 year wedding anniversary and have questions like : Where do you think Bride and Groom will be living 10 years from now? Do you think they will have children, if yes how many? Or How many pets will they own? What will be the thing they squabble about most? What will they still love about each other just as much as they do today? What is one piece of advice for them for their next 10 years of marriage? Not only is it fun to look back on, 10 years down the track, it is a great talking point for guests at the reception or to fill in time while the couple are off being photographed.

4. Board Games or Puzzles
This can be anything from Monopoly to Trivial Pursuit or a lovely wooden checkers or backgammon board. The favourite idea in this category for me would be Jenga, it’s one of my favourite games, and it would be lovely to have some sharpies and people on each table writing lovely things on them. This could be great if you are a bit of a nerd (like me) and you could choose Star Wars Monopoly or Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit if these were some of your favourite movies. Or have your guests write messages on the pieces of a puzzle that you can put together later on.

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5. Love makes the world go around.
This one is beautiful and romantic, and something that you can display. Buy a Globe and have people write wishes on the globe for you. Something that your children and grandchildren might possibly like to look at one day too. Always handy when planning your second honeymoon too!

6. Blessing Tree/Wish Tree
I have blogged about this before too, check it out here. But this is similar to the letters and the messages in the bottles, it just depends how you want it presented. Alternatively you could have a mix of the finger print tree and the blessing tree and have a framed print and have small wooden or acrylic ‘leaves’ that people can write on

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7. Home wares guestbook
You could choose a vase, platter or a fruit bowl, for example. If you are choosing something similar make sure it is oven proof ceramic as you can buy special markers that can set when baked in an oven! This way you can actually use the item and not worry about what your loved ones have written coming off when it is washed.

8. Photo Frame guestbook
This can be a traditional frame with a wide matt board. It would be great to frame a group photo of everyone that shared your day in it, so that everyone that writes on the matt, is in the photo too. You can also build a frame and have names pegged on some wire or string and get people to take a polaroid photo on the day, write a message on the bottom and then pin it where there name is. You could incorporate dress ups or other props.


9. Your favourite sport represented 
Whether it is surfing or soccer or AFL, you can get your guests to write on footballs, soccer balls or even a surf or skateboard to ‘fit’ into your home. You might as well have some fun with these things!

10. Wedding Day Quilt
Last but not least this sounds like something that I would do if I had thought of it when I got married, or would love to make for someone close to me if they were interested. What would be better than taking a quilt or rug like this on a romantic picnic or when you are feeling unwell and on the couch, cover yourself with your wedding day quilt and let all of your memories come flooding back.

What wonderful ideas do you have for an original guestbook? Or have you been to a wedding that had something really cool?


Thanks to Corey and Alistair at Vision House Photography again for the use of their stunning images. Check out more of their work here, and like them on facebook on their page here.

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Filed under wedding ideas, Wedding Planning, wedding tips

White knots



Everyone should have the right to tie the knot! This is what the white knot is all about. I found this coming up more and more often when I have been researching opinions about ways to show your support for marriage equality.

White knots are a small piece of white ribbon. Not unlike the pink ribbons that people use to support breast cancer. Just a small knot in the middle of the ribbon and attached with a safety pin. It is something that is really big in the US. White knot is a non profit organisation that is standing up for marriage equality. The White Knot symbol takes two traditional symbols of marriage—white and tying the knot—and combines them. It is at once a proud display of a belief in basic human rights and an invitation for conversation. White Knots are now being worn all around the world.

I think this is a lovely idea, especially for couples who want to make a statement at their wedding without making a huge statement in their ceremony. I think that making a statement is fine in your ceremony too, but I think it can be a fine line between saying what you believe and drawing a whole lot of attention to an issue that most of us already have a strong opinion about. I have blogged about legal wording in the marriage ceremony previously, check out that blog here.

There are a lot of people who feel that they would like to make a stand at their wedding about marriage equality but don’t really know how to go about it. This is a fantastic way to do it and a great conversation starter for people who don’t know each other at your wedding. Most people are all for marriage equality and those who aren’t, hopefully will know who not to talk to.

What do you think about having white knots at your wedding? Would you do this or would you prefer to have the celebrant mention something about marriage equality in your ceremony?

Check out more info about white knot here.

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Filed under Ceremony ideas, Wedding Planning