Tag Archives: bonboniere

Wedding quilt

A couple of weeks ago my sister tagged me in a facebook post. This is not unusual, however it featured one of the most amazing ideas I have seen for a wedding in a long time. For those of you who know me already, you will probably giggle. For those of you who don’t know me, you are about to learn something new about me! I’m craft obsessed. I can’t sit still and I’m always (ALWAYS!) making something for someone. Gifts for babies, gifts for friends, the latest project is ever changing. So when this popped up, I was really excited!

A wedding quilt! Oh my giddy aunt!! This is all kinds of amazing!

The couple in the post asked everyone that they had invited to their wedding to send them a square of  fabric. What an amazing idea, and what a lovely way to have people contribute to something that is going to be a part of the day and a wonderful keepsake. The couple in the post had photos of themselves with the quilt on the day too. How lovely to have people feel a part of the wedding, when they see the fabric that they sent made into the quilt! Especially if you want to include the crafty quilt person in your life in your wedding preparations!  You could take it even further, depending on the amount of fabric that has been collected, and make a ring bearer’s pillow or patchwork pocket squares. The fabric could be used in decorating the tables and in the bonboneries also. The ideas are endless!

Another quilt idea would be to make the quilt using the fabrics sent to you but also include plain squares throughout and use a fabric marker to make your ‘guest book’. People could write advice or well wishes on the plain squares!

Have you seen any other original ideas that incorporate crafts into a wedding day? I’d love to hear about them.

All images are from pintrest

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Filed under wedding ideas, Wedding Planning, wedding tips

Party Favours and Bonboniere.

My dear friend Emily, whom I wrote about previously on my blog, had a wedding that had so much attention to detail. Nothing was forgotten. One fantastic thing she had at her wedding reception was a gorgeous gingerbread couple. Not only did they look fantastic, they tasted amazing. There were fantastic gifts at every location throughout the day, from the boat to the winery, reception and after party. Everyone got to take home fantastic bonboniere, from personalised lip gloss to custom labelled bottled water, cute moustache labelled bottle openers, beautiful soaps, and a beverage menu that was presented on a block of chocolate. There was a tree of drink tags. Everyone had their name on a label, with beautiful beads and decorations so that you could attach them to your glass and know which glass was yours. It is such a great way to add or carry a theme throughout your reception, and we had a great time the day before setting all of these things up at the venue, too.  Have you seen any fantastic ideas for bonboniere, or great table decorations?

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